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With a little care everyone can grow cucumbers. They could well be the easiest vegetable to grow!

We live in a hot climate and are lucky enough to be able to grow cucumbers all year round. If you live in a cool climate, spring and summer will be your cucumber-growing season.

Are cucumbers easy to grow? You bet they are!

On a recent trip back to Australia, I saw them in the supermarket for $16/kilo. Now, that’s just crazy! Why wouldn’t you grow your own?

Read on to learn more about this refreshing vegetable/fruit, and how to take care of it! Hey, I’ll even throw in a few different ways to use them, rather than just the standard salad!

Harvesting easy-to-grow cucumbers.
Harvesting Cucumbers.

Getting Started – Seedlings

Is best to start your seedlings in trays, rather than direct sowing. This way you can keep the soil temperature warm enough for germination, even if you have to move them inside. Cucumber seedlings will germinate at a soil temperature of between 70 to 95 degrees F. Another reason is to protect the young seedlings from the elements, providing them the best possible chance to grow strong and healthy.

Cucumber seedlings.

Transplanting – Are Cucumbers Easy to Grow?

Once your seedlings have grown their second set of leaves, they are ready to transplant. Prepare a raised vegetable bed and space the seedlings 30cm apart. Be careful not to disturb the roots too much, they can be a little sensitive!

Now, once transplanted you will need to think about a support system for the vines to hang on to. You could use a trellis if you want them to creep up, or, you could use a low support system where the vines will spread parallel, however, still raised from the ground!

Soil Conditions

Here in Cambodia, we use a lot of burnt rice ash and rice skins to condition the soil. It also lightens up clayish soil and just acts as a good medium. I am also now using dried old bean crops. I lay them over the top of the soil and around the vines. They are an excellent source of nitrogen and the soil will thank you for it. A water-based nitrogen fertilizer will also do the trick!

Taking Care

Great, so you now have your seedlings growing in raised vegetable beds spaced 30cm apart. Try to keep the vegetable beds relatively weed-free, unlike the picture above, and apply a ground cover to cover the stems of and surrounding soil for water retention.

Cucumbers need consistent watering. Remember, they are 95% water, so they will benefit from a daily watering, preferably in the morning. If you live in a hot climate they may require a morning and afternoon douse of water.

Note well: If not watered correctly they will grow into funny shapes and sizes.

Next, make sure that you train the vines around whatever support system you are using. This will keep the cucumbers high off the ground and will avoid any rot or diseases you may get if they are touching the soil.

Also Note: Keep training the vines around the supports as they grow. This will also allow for air to circulate around the plants.

Keep Harvesting – Are Cucumbers Easy to Grow?

Start harvesting when your cucumbers are 10cm to 15cm long. At this size, they taste the best. Also, it is best to harvest in the morning when it is nice and cool. The larger they grow, the more bitter they become. They can nearly double in size overnight, so be careful, you don’t want melons.

If you keep harvesting correctly, the vines will keep producing flowers. You can fool them into thinking that there are no cucumbers left and that they need to produce more flowers, hence, they will!

A word of warning – The vines can get quite bushy, and on occasion the cucumbers will hide behind the leaves. You must check thoroughly, otherwise you can end up with very large fruits.

Note: It is best to visit the veggie patch every day, just to make sure the vines are creeping where you want them to, and to find any hidden fruits.

Easy to Grow Cucumber Recipes

Here are a few different ways to use the cucumber, rather than just tossing it in a salad.

  1. Pimm’s No 1 – It’s a very English drink. You can hear them talking “Fancy a spot of tennis, or crochet, and why not a Pimms”? “Rather, Rather, I say, marvelous.” On a hot English summer’s day, the Pimm’s will be flowing. Add a few slices of cucumber and some other fruit….lip smacking REFRESHING! Click on the link to view a wonderful recipe. The Pimms No 1.

Pimm’s and an English Garden

  1. Tzatziki – This yogurt based dip uses shredded cucumber to beef it up. Add some lemon juice, dill, mint and salt and pepper, and bang, Greek Islands here we come. Here is a recipe from Love and Lemons.

Easy to grow cucumber tzatziki dip.
Tzatziki, a Greek favorite!

  1. Pickled Cucumbers – This is a great way to preserve your excess cucumbers. Make a brine, add your desired spices, and off you go. They keep in the fridge for months. Check out this recipe from The Mediterranean Dish.

Pickled cucumbers.
Pickled Cucumbers.

Some Quick Facts – Easy to Grow Cucumbers

  • Research shows they originated in South-East Asia.
  • They are an excellent source to cool down and hydrate the body.
  • They contain 95% water.
  • You can apply them to your sunburn to ease the stinging.
  • A good way to cure tired, puffy eyes.
  • Supermarket cucumbers can be up to 2 weeks old.
  • Harvesting regularly will promote more flower growth, hence, more cucumbers.
  • June 14th is world cucumber day 🥒🥒🥒🥒🥒. I doubt it is a national holiday though!


So, are cucumbers easy to grow? Yes, they are! As long as you give them a little care every day, you will be harvesting and concocting fantastic recipes before you know it.

Feel free to leave any comments on growing cucumbers and other ways you like to eat them!

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